The City of Aiken is also providing $100,000.00 in HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to assist "low-and-moderate income homeowners" with financial assistance through the Emergency Repair Program that require leaking roofs repaired or replaced.
Aiken Arts Commission February 5, 2025 AIKEN CENTER FOR THE ARTS 122 LAURENS ST SW 4:00 P.M.
The City of aiken Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism Presents: The 4L's Series for Senior Adults! Design Review Board City of Aiken Design Review board Meeting Municipal Building, 111 Chesterfield St S Upstairs.
A customized collection of grant news from foundations and the federal government from around the Web.
A list of eight socially conscious dress shoes has been collected and provided by CauseArtist, a news site that feature brands, people,and products that are creating social good in the world of business and fashion.